Access Services
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
Fistulogram: Contrast medium is injected into the access and x-rays are taken to identify and assess blood vessels and the access.
What do I need to know before my Fistulogram?
Angioplasty: A balloon is used to open narrowed blood vessels in or near the access.
What do I need to know before my Angioplasty?
Percutaneous Thrombectomy(declot): Blood thinners and devices are used to remove clots in the access and open up the blood flow.
What do I need to know before my Percutaneous Thrombectomy?
Permcath or vascath insertion/removal: Placing a catheter in a large vein to allow hemodialyis to be done.
What do I need to know before my Permcath or Vascath insertion or removal?
For any discharge instructions, please call the Access Center at 704-971-8088 to speak to a nurse.
For any discharge instructions, please call the Access Center at 704-971-8088 to speak to a nurse.